Festival Competition

11th July 2018
Big I Am

Win a Meet and Greet plus Acoustic Gig with Kyla Brox at this year’s Great British Rhythm & Blues festival, for you and up to 5 friends.

See the pinned post on the Festival Facebook Page for details.
They’ll choose a winner (at random) on Wednesday 18th July 2018, via Facebook.

The prize will take place on Sunday 26th August in a small venue in Colne at approximately 8pm. Kyla is looking forward to meeting the winners (a maximum group of 6 people) and playing an acoustic track or two. She’ll have her guitarist, Dan, with her too.

Kyla plays The Hippodrome venue | Sunday 26th August | 10:30pm
She is, without doubt, the most authentic UK blues and soul singer of her generation.
“Kyla’s vocal is natural … with a huge depth of feeling”