Mike Farris’s album ‘Silver and Stone’ one of IBBA picks for May
Mike Farris’s album ‘Silver and Stone’ has been picked as a favourite by IBBA for this May. This is great news for Mike who is soon to go on tour in the UK. Tickets are still available here.
The IBBA Presenters Picks for May 2019 are:
John Primer – Soul Of A Bluesman
The Primitive Noise Band – Ghosts
Gwyn Ashton – Sonic Blues Preachers
Mike Farris – Silver & Stone

Tour Dates
Mon 17th June Ashington SOLD OUT with Elles Bailey
Tues 18th June The Platform – Morecambe with Elles Bailey
Weds 19th June Theatre On The Steps, Bridgnorth with Elles
Thurs 20th June Ropetackle Arts Centre with Jamie Freeman
Fri 21st June Wilfred Noyce Centre, Godalming with Elles
Sat 22nd June Nells Jazz & Blues, London with Elles
Sun 23rd June Black Deer Festival, Tunbridge Wells