Sun & Moon Festival seek workshop leaders
Sun & Moon Festival seek workshop leaders for their 2018 festival…
The festival revolves around the workshops that the amazing teachers and facilitators deliver. Whilst these workshops cover literally everything “well-being” related under the sun and moon, the common theme is that they are interactive and group orientated.
The greatest thing about teaching at Sun and Moon is no doubt the experience itself – being part of something wonderful. Workshop leaders will have plenty of time to enjoy to the festival and are a crucial part of making the event so special.
There are also more tangible pluses that leaders receive:
Free entry to the festival for you and your family
Consultation spaces available for you (at no cost) to offer private consultations for which you can charge
Any advertising material you have can be displayed at the festival
Professional exposure in a unique setting
To find out more, visit the festival site just here:
Participate at Sun & Moon Festival